Some of the places we have been and sites we have seen, folks we have met and served with over the last few months but by no means not all!
The pulpit at a little church 125 years old called Indian Mills Baptist Church, Indian Mills WV. We spent one week there to help strenthen an old work with a new Pastor, Herb Miller. I preached all five nights with our largest attendance at 29. God blessed our soul-winning campaign and group as we went our every day knocking on doors inviting them to church.
It is not unusual to see the deer out on the side of the road as we travel. Pray for our safety as we travel for the deer are abundant and cause many accidents on these winding mountain roads. Oh! But the beauty.
Pastor Roy Huffman and his wife Patty of Cornerstone Baptist Church in Newton WV, Linda and myself. It is always a privilege to preach for Pastor Huffman, one my dearest friends. This little church loves preaching, the Word of God, and missionaires. AMEN
We will be posting more pictures and information on our travels as we go along. Please continue to pray for both of us and the ministries we represent for the Lord.
God Bless,
Dr. Tom Milam
Missionary Evangelist
Phil. 2:16
B.A.T.A. Missionary Fellowship
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