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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

"A Praying Spirit" ~ Linda K. Milam

Ps. 55:17 says “Evening and morning, and at noon, will I pray and cry aloud: and he shall hear my voice.”
n my personal devotions, I have been studying in the book of 1 Timothy – and in 1 Tim. 2:1 Paul shares there are 4 types of prayer – supplications which are prayers of precise requests for specific needs….  Prayers which are usually general prayers of confession and adoration… there are prayers giving of thanks, praising my LORD always for all things and then prayers of intercession - praying for others!
How do you pray? Do you pray words that you think God expects to hear? Or do you have a heart and a prayer for others because your LORD, through the preaching of God’s man or the reading of His Word you have felt the nudging of the Holy Spirit to pray for something specific or for someone who needs prayer? 
Who do you pray for?  We should certainly be praying for ourselves, asking God to meet our every need… but lest we forget that Holy Spirit nudging we should be praying for others.   He wants that from us.  He desires our prayers of worship and praise, but His Word reveals to us that He also is there to hear our hearts desires.  For the loved one who is so sick or close to death and can’t pray for themselves; for the children we have been blessed with; to so many others who cross our paths!  Who do you pray for? I ask again.  Is it someone who hurts you or someone you love . . . you say I don’t pray for them, I can’t!  They deserve all my meanness for what they have done or are doing! 
 I had to face a problem in my life recently.  And I might add here, we should always be asking God to reveal to us hidden sin.  Yep!  That would be me and all those who are reading this blog!  If someone were to be able to look into our very hearts and minds, would they ever be shocked! 
I had to face the LORD one day as I was “praying” for those on my heart!  I “mentioned” a certain person in prayer – asking God to bless him, when the Holy Spirit seemed to say; “Is that all you want from me for that person??  You spent 10 minutes or more praying for Tom.  Yet you gave this person less than 30 seconds!”  That is when I realized that I had NOT been praying for this person with a broken heart as the LORD would have me do! 
The Bible says in Lamentations 2:19  "Arise, cry out in the night: in the beginning of the watches pour out thine heart like water before the face of the Lord:. . .”  At that point, I begged God to forgive me and began to pray for this person again!  Weeping almost uncontrollably, to the point I could barely utter words. . .  I knew God knew my heart and yes broke me for this person.  As my husband held me and prayed with me he shared a verse in the book of Romans that he said had been a help to him when he could only cry out, "Oh! God!" with his heart so full he could not utter words.  That is where I was at at that moment!  Romans 8:26 tells us that the Holy Spirit Himself is our intercessor; "Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered." 
Is there someone in your life who you have not prayed for as you should?  That person could be you!  Have you approached our heavenly Father and allowed him to examine you and then let him heal you and make you whole?  Have you told Him you would trust him with your all?  Surrender yourself first then when you pray for that one in the Spirit of the LORD, God will take control, hear your prayers and answer them!  Be explicit in your requests, make your daily prayer time personal and He will reward you and your prayers!

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