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Friday, June 24, 2011

"Fill Me" ~ Tom Milam

“Fill Me”
Ephesians 5:18 ~ “And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the spirit.”

Pastor Richard Parker and wife Dana
of Gardens Baptist Church
Port Saint Lucie FL with me and Miss Linda

As sacred oil, to execute my office and privilege as a believer and grace to sustain a holy presence.  As purifying water that cleanses me from the habitual practice of sin and sanctifies me with power to live righteously for the Lords good pleasure, (Revelation 4:11) “Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.”
Fill me as the light, when first I saw my condition in my dark estate, and now reveal again the Lord Jesus to me, in me and through me.  He, who guides me in the way of righteousness, enlighten me by your pure celestial rays; we are no more darkness but light in the Lord.
Fill me as fire, burn out and melt away the impurities of blemish stains and dregs of sins that have pitted our vessel and set our consecrated nature to a full blaze.  He, the sacrificial flame by which we are given ability to offer our whole souls, bodies and spirit as living sacrifices unto God.
Fill me as heavenly dew, removing my barrenness and fertilizes my life and those that yield in gratitude and humility.  O that He would drop from above us that precious dew of discernment and cultivate in us that spectacular reverence of Himself; holy character such sweet morning dew would be a savour of commencement for the new day.
Fill me as the dove, with wings of peaceful love brooding over His church and the souls of true believers, and fill me as the comforter, who dispels the cares and doubts which mars and scars the peace of His beloved bride.  He, who descended upon His Son in Jordan’s river that day, and bears witness to their sonship by working in them a filial spirit by which they cry, Abaa, Father!
Fill me as the wind, He that brings the breath of life to men; blowing where He may, performing his quickening music by which the spiritual creation is animated and sustained. May we receive and cleave to His holy presence, and feel His breath gently blowing upon our hearts as He manifests His holy character and instills His will in us.

Fill Me

Fill me to the brim,
Fill me ought but Him.
Fill me today,
          in every way;
          spot and blemish
          cannot stay.
Fill me, send me,
Fill me, lead  me,
          send me o’re and o’re again;
Fill me up Lord,
          burn me brigh Lord,
          e’re I fall, in reproach, from Him.

~ T.M. 6/20/11

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