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Thursday, October 14, 2010

"A Loyal Spirit" ~ Linda K. Milam

A LOYAL SPIRIT                      October 14, 2010
“. . . but the woman is the glory of man. Vs.8 For the man is not of the woman; but the woman of the man.  Vs. 9 Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man.”  1 Corinthians 11:7b
Invitation and Rings
Tom and Linda Milam
April 17, 2010
re you asking yourself, what loyalty has to do with having a “Sweet Relationship with the LORD” and how are you relating the above verse to this devotion?  The definition of loyalty is:  Steadfastness in affection and allegiance – I think there is no better way to have a sweet spirit as to have a Spirit of Loyalty, not only with the Lord, but with your church, family, or friends. 
Loyalty – a steadfastness in affection and allegiance. In our reference verse above, 7b implies that the woman “. . . is the glory of man,” and in vs. 8 God tells us that the woman was made for the man, not the reverse. The world has a different view of this as we see women in the liberal world.  But I am not of the world, I was called out from among them when I asked Jesus to be my Savior,  So, when I read this verse I immediately asked myself - - “Who was I made for?”  Today I can tell you, I was made for Tom Milam! J  And I am very happy that God considered me for his wife!  Today I can tell you I have a great loyalty to Bro. Tom.  That may be because we have only been married a few months as of the time of this writing, but I believe with all my heart, and it has been ingrained in me through the study and preaching of God’s Word for many years, that I will always have a loyalty to Tom because he is my husband and I am his wife, but more than that, I love him.  Now Nina might tell you she is loyal to her Dad because of the fact that she is his daughter, or Kandi, Kristen, Jacob, Jared, Jordyn, Sydney, Aislinn, Eryn, Avery, Aubree, and little David may say that because he is their grandfather, as Herb, Florence and Brenda could say that because he is their brother and I could go on.  You could say that same thing because of certain people in your life. . . Mother, daughter, sister all deserve your loyalty, because of who they are! 
But it must go deeper than that, or the loyalty may fade!  Do you still love your husband with a steadfast affection and allegiance or have the cares of the world crept in and broken that relationship somewhat!  Are you still loving your parents, children, friends like you should.  Your loyalty will fade if you do not.  I am not blind in love although I am in love with my husband.  He and I both have talked about; “How to keep our marriage secure and maintain “loyalty” and love to each other and to keep the love we share fresh and exciting.  We were brought together by “circumstances” first meeting over the phone in 2004.  Who would have dreamed that on April 17th 2010 I would be his wife??  God did!
 Because He was and is our first loyalty and has been for years, God has moved in our lives in what we believe is a miraculous way.  So in all honesty my loyalty to God must and is first and foremost. 
Now, my husband, the Preacher, says God, family, home, church are all number one - - - now this is his opinion and he has a right to be wrong! J No, I’m just kidding!  There is and has to be someone in my life who has always, to the best of my ability, had my first loyalty.  GOD - - - service to Him, then it was my children, grandchildren, and church!  Now I have made an adjustment in my giving of loyalty.  My Husband.  You younger girls may have given your affection and allegiance, your loyalty, to a number of young men in your short lives, as have your mothers and grandmothers.  We all seek something or someone to give our loyalty to. 
In closure on this point of having “A Loyal Spirit”; if you are seeking to give that spirit to someone or some thing . . . make sure you have prayed and trusted GOD to lead, guide and direct you in that situation,  If it is given through Him, I believe it will not fade or go away, but grow stronger every day! Keeping a loyal spirit is hard work . . . lean on the LORD and he will lighten the load and keep your loyalty sure!
If you have not asked Jesus to be your Savior, start your loyalty there!
John 13:23  says; "Now there was leaning on Jesus' bosom one of his disciples, whom Jesus loved."  His love and loyalty to and for us is greater than any! 

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