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Sunday, October 10, 2010

"Independence, Dependence & Freedom" ~ Tom Milam

Sunday October 10, 2010

Independence, Dependence and Freedom

(John 8:32&36) 32“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free; 36If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.”

  Our Patriotism and Independence is a lot more than donning and decorating articles of Red, White, and Blue. It’s more than picnics, special prayers, and participation in various events. It’s more than flag waving, special singing, ball games, a day off, sleeping late, or going to the beach or vacation time.

  It’s even more than the fireworks at the end of day; it’s thanking God for those who defend our country, and have defended it to the ultimate sacrifice. We commend them, and salute them all! From Valley Forge, to the hot deserts of Iraq; Thank God! For the defense of Liberty.

  Patriotism is: “One who loves, supports, and defends his country and our Independence.”

  Loved ones are given up, a trail of blood and sorrow marks the path of freedom. But let’s not forget the trail of Blood from Genesis through the book of Revelation; that culminated on Calvary; the blood line of the born again. Oh! Calvary’s despicable scene, yet, necessary to make us free! And then the conquering of death, Hell and the grave to make us free forever.

  We’ll go out of here today, doing that very thing; loving, supporting, and defending our country, America, and Heaven, our eternal home of Liberty; With our witness, and our testimony. To God Be the Glory!

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