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Friday, May 20, 2011

Bitterness - Linda K. Milam

Is there bitterness in your heart today? - The only BITTERNESS we should display should be against those who hurt and killed our precious Savior and for the cruelty and heartbreak that others caused Him at his death ... but even that bitterness is for ought…. He gave himself to die!  Don’t waste your time and energy being bitter over His Sacrifice!   I praise the Lord everyday that because of that sacrifice I will never taste the flames of Hell, the Darkness of the Pit, or the bitter taste of an everlasting life in the hands of the devil.  God wants us to have Grace and Supplication one towards another: we cannot do that if we have bitterness in our heart! 

Zechariah 12:10 And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications: and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn.

It appears to be GOD’S desire that we would always have a “. . . spirit of grace and of supplications. . .”  We must strive towards that goal.

I write personally; many years in the ministry, around the ministry, and yes, serving in the ministry can cause us to become bitter over something someone has done, said, or is doing.  But I have seen with my own eyes the devastation that causes.  Not only towards myself and my personal relationship with the Lord but to the people I love most; my children, grandchildren, friends, family, and church.  It hurts many times deep in the heart the pain that others cause us.  And the hurt is so great sometimes that we react negatively with a spirit of bitterness.

At first you are shocked (or should be) and then amazed at the things that happen and the behavior of people that you have loved forever and trusted and maybe even served shoulder to shoulder with in the service of the Lord.  But, then bitterness begins to rear its ugly head.  God gives us a choice; we can become bitter and useless or keep our Christian Character, heart, and life intact and go on for the Lord.  My husband is always saying; our "state" changes, but our heart and relationship with the Lord should NEVER change....  I ask the question again.  Is there bitterness in your heart today?

Ezekiel 3:14  So the spirit lifted me up, and took me away, and I went in bitterness, in the heat of my spirit; but the hand of the LORD was strong upon me.  Allow the “strength” of the Lord to lead you, not your heart or head.  In reality when bitterness hits any that are saved and know the Lord personally, bitterness doesn’t come from the heart . . . it comes from the head.  Don’t let the Head control the Heart!

Don’t allow circumstances, happenings, or people cause you to become bitter.  Have you allowed bitterness to cause you to do say or act against your Christian Character?  You might say, “But you just don’t know what the circumstances are, and what they said to me, and my family!”  No, maybe I don’t know the particulars, but I do know this, harbor that bitterness in your heart and you WILL destroy yourself, your wife/husband, your children – are they worth the bitterness?   

STOP – step back – look at YOURSELF first… don’t worry about others – look at yourself.  Are you where you are supposed to be for the Lord?  Are you presenting a Christian character to yourself, your family, friends, co-workers, the Lord? 

If the answer is no, begin with yourself.  Fall on your knees, renew that relationship with the Lord of all who saved you from a devils hell, and go on!  He will heal your heart and remove the bitterness if you ask.  I pray that you are not enjoying a state of bitterness, but if you are there is only one way to have it removed.  Ask our Holy God to do it.  He is faithful and full of promise to do so.

Take it to the Lord and allow Him to take control.  Your life will be made fresh and anew with your commitment to him.  Make amends where needed, and go on!  Continually live in an atmosphere of bitterness and it will destroy all you hold most dear.  Your home, marriage, and children – your family!  Are you willing to give that all up!?

In closing, yes, bitterness, hurt, and anger has been in my life.  I do trust the Lord everyday with all of my life, so why would I not trust Him to help me with the sinful state I allow myself to fall in and remove those things so that my “state” does not hinder the work of the Lord.  I had to learn to:   Let go ~ and Let God!

Trust in Him who saved you!

Linda K. Milam
Missionary to America

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