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Friday, July 29, 2011

How To Grow ~ Tom Milam

“How To Grow”
II Peter 3:10-18
Vs. 18 “But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen.”
On top of Rt. 99 behind our home
in Kopperston WV.
Faith shows us how to grow in grace, believing God’s promises is the key to an abounding Christian life. Let faith have the full right-of-way in your life. Abraham would never have found the land of God’s promise had he not stepped out on faith and let it have it’s perfect work. (Genesis 12:1-9). Let faith be constant; if not, you’ll never see an increase in your growth. Without faith, you’ll either go backward or stand still, either is a serious transgression.
Allow faith also to increase in simplicity. This means we trust and God does the complicated part, performance. If we step through the door of faith, God will be there to take us to the next things that He has waiting, and all to our good.
The book of James teaches us to ask and we shall have, ask not and we shall not have. Do you need to know how to love? Then ask God to show you how to reach out and be a lover of mens souls. Pour yourself out to God to know love in it’s intensity and practicality.
Seek also to grow in humility, you’ll never know God until you’ve learned this. We will grow nearer to God and have a closer fellowship with Jesus when the Holy Spirit has freedom to work through us. Knowing Jesus is Heaven on earth and not knowing Him is life filled with confusion and despair.
Learn to grow in grace by seeking to know the human side of Jesus, His finished work, His suffering, His death, His resurrection, how He interceded for us, and His coming again in glory.
 Learn to love Him more and you’ll grow in grace.
“Do You Know Him?”
                             To know about Jesus is a wonderful thing,
                             But to personally know Him, all Heaven He’ll bring.
                             Be acquainted with Jesus and of His love to know,
                             And in grace, knowledge and wisdom you’ll grow.
                                                                        -Tom Milam

Daily Jewel:
“Knowing Jesus is heaven on earth.”
 Have a blessed day,
Tom & Linda
Tom & Linda Milam
Missionaries to America

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