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Thursday, June 2, 2011

"Let Your Happy Heart Sing" - Walter A. Yoho

A Word From Linda Milam:  We are truly blessed to be a part of , FBC Publications & Printing, a printing ministry  of Faith Baptist Church in Fort Pierce, FL (  We  have contact with amazing people all over the world - and access to some of the most Spirit filled writers of our time.  One of those men is, Dr. Walter A. Yoho.  We are working on his second volume of "Yahweh" and while setting the book up, I read the following.  With his permission, I have posted it here as I am sure it will bless you as it has blessed me.  Read it and order the book/books if you want more of the same.  (Contact Information Below for Ordering) 

Dr. Yoho writes:

Cover to YahWeh, Volume One

"Have you ever reached the point in your Christian life where you felt so utterly dependent upon the mercies of God that it embarrassed and frightened you? Embarrassed, because it virtually appeared that you could do nothing without the grace of God and the strength of Christ. Frightened, because you understood that were God to remove His hand of blessing and mercy, ever so slightly, you would be swallowed up in the sea of your own personal inadequacies and iniquities. Perhaps you feel this way, but God’s Word has wonderful news for you. Yes, God wants you to realize that without Him you can do nothing (Jn. 15:5c). You honor God when you acknowledge that you are what you are only by the grace of God (I Cor. 15:10a). God promises to bless you more and more and use you more and more in exact proportion to your increasing sense of inadequacy. The Psalmist prays: “Let thy mercy, O Lord, be upon us, according as we hope in thee [emphasis mine]” (Ps. 33:22). "

So let your happy heart sing:
When all Thy mercies, O my God,
My rising soul surveys,

Transported with the view, I’m lost.
In wonder, love, and praise. 
                                             ~ Joseph Addison
Used with permission - this exerpt from Dr. Walter Yoho's latest book YAHWEH Vol II - Order from Missions 300, Dr. Walter A. Yoho, 717 Whitehurst Road, Virginia Beach VA 24874 or Visit Dr. Yoho's Website and order from there.

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