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Saturday, October 9, 2010

"A Trusting Spirit" ~ Linda K. Milam

Psalms 148:8a  - “Cause me to hear thy lovingkindness in the morning; for in thee do I trust:. . .”
Dr. Tom and Linda Milam
On our wedding day, April 17th, 2010
y life has made a dramatic change in the last year.  If someone were to have told me a year ago that I would be standing before a group of ladies in West Virginia as a guest speaker at a Mother Daughter banquet, I would have laughed at them for being so foolish!  NEVER would I have dreamed such as this!  But Oh!  How blessed I am to be here!  I’m so glad to know my life is NOT my own.  Again, as I prayed and studied what I would be speaking about, God touched my heart and because of that I have made changes in my attitude towards the things of the Lord.  I didn't know how much I would need the changes or the strength I gained because I was obedient to Him.
You may be facing some difficult times in your future, you may be LIVING today in difficult times and what we read in God’s Word and “hear” others tell us may be something you have read or heard before.  But have you taken those things to heart?  Have you truly TRUSTED the Lord to take control or do you keep pulling back and try to do it all yourself?  I certainly am not some great speaker or Bible scholar as others, but I do KNOW that God will use me and you to reach others. Won’t you trust Him; I am the one being blessed through these little thoughts right now, but you can have the same blessing! 
I thank God for using me in any way to reach others with the Gospel.  He enables me, He counts me faithful - - as Paul tells us in I Timothy 1:12 - - and when trials and the world cause me to be weak; HE is the One who strengthens me!  How can this be - - remember what we read in Psalms 143:8?  "Cause me to hear thy lovingkindness in the morning; for in thee do I trust: cause me to know the way wherein I should walk; for I lift up my soul unto thee."  First we must hear. . . .  Ask yourself, “When is the last time I opened my Bible and worshipped the LORD in study and meditation of His word? When is the last time I bowed my head to a Holy God and worshipped Him who created me?  When is the last time I went to Him and laid all my burdens on Him and trusted Him to meet every need?” 
Most of us go to church on a regular basis, and if you don’t, consider that your first step of trust; we sing, we open our Bibles, we hear His  Word preached and when we get up to leave, we go home and forget all about it until the next time we hear the words, “It’s time for church!”  Although, I want you to recognize that we all need a Spirit of Trust, a trust in Him who we hear - - we also need to ask Him to guide our paths and cause our souls to long for Him!  Because trust is an absolute must when we ask the LORD to be our Savior, I would like to take this moment to ask you, have you given GOD your absolute TRUST in your soul’s eternal path?  Are you sure you are on your way to Heaven?  You might say, Sister Linda, I am a Sunday School teacher, a member of the choir, a preachers or deacons wife, I still ask you – have you trusted Christ as your Savior?  “. . . for in thee I trust.”  
Make sure of your souls eternal condition!  1 John 5:13  "These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God."  Read the precious verse John 3:16 which says; "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."  As you read and get to the word world - put your name there - do the same with the word whosoever - put your name there
Please let us know, if you prayed and asked the Lord to be your Savior.  We would like to pray for you and your decision.  Be Blessed.
Linda K. Milam
Missonary to America

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