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Saturday, October 16, 2010

Salvation Experience while on a bus

My Journey by Tom Milam
I have recorded a number of Salvation experiences in my book "The Journey".  Below is just one of them. William Cook,  is now a Pastor of a great church here in West Virginia. 

The Sunday School Bus Ministry is a wonderful gift of God in reaching the lost!  Will Cook was convicted while on a "public school bus", but we have seen many make the same decision on our Sunday School Bus Route in Florida.

Was Bussed In:  (Pastor William Cook, Joseph Baptist Church, Lynco, WV)

Bus No. 1 Faith Baptist Church
Fort Pierce, FL 2010

           At eight years old, the now Pastor of Joseph Baptist Church, Will Cook, while riding home from school on the old yellow public school bus came under conviction concerning hell, where he didn’t want to go and heaven, where he did want to go if he died!  He told his buddy sitting beside him that he was going to receive Jesus as his personal savior right then and there – He repented for being a sinner, and by faith was trusting Christ to take him all the way to heaven – Jesus came into his heart and he’s on his way, day by day!
Pastor and Sister William Cook and daughter!
September 5, 2010 at Joseph Baptist Church.
Tom and Linda Milam

Matthew 9:37  Then saith he unto his disciples,
The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few;

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