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Thursday, March 31, 2011

Milam's Newsletter ~ 1st Quarter 2011

2011 First Quarter Newsletter

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.  Thank you for the honor of serving the Master on your behalf and to the furtherance of the Gospel. (2 Tim. 1:12” “. . . I am not ashamed: for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day.”

We appreciate you, so very much, that support us financially and especially for intercessory prayer for our part in Gods great ministry.

We are still working at the Faith Baptist Church here in Fort Pierce Florida, in their restructuring and re-strengthening campaign.  We are also still working with Pastor Richard Parker in Port Saint Lucie Florida; diligently making efforts to plant The Gardens Baptist Church in a permanent structure.  Please pray as we endeavor to assist in the soul winning efforts, and the preaching, singing and physically obtaining and renovating a building.  We know that God has the perfect plan for His cause and to His glory.  May we stay on course and the results be His.

I am recording weekly on WBOF Radio, out of Faith Baptist Church.  You may join us via internet if you so choose at Monday through Friday at 6am and 2pm Eastern Standard time.


We are committed to reaching all of Saint Lucie County Florida for the Lord.  There are around 300,000 souls in this county and for sure, the majority of them need to hear a clear presentation of the Gospel.

Again this month we recorded in the studio of which is a great outreach for the ministry.  Also, we were blessed to minister in Revival services at the Gardens Baptist Church for Pastor Richard Parker, of which is held in his home at this time.  Help us with praying and making effort to locate a building.

Many of the teenagers received help from the LORD in a “Special Forces Youth Revival” at the Faith Baptist Church, we were privileged to help minister in that.


Linda and I sang at the Lighthouse Baptist Church, where Clark Walden is the gracious Pastor.  We also sang at the Faith Baptist Church Spring Revival and continued recording each week at the radio station; took part in the Radio station Spring Shar-a-thon, which raised $7,000.00 and ended the month with two yard  sales  which were held to send a large number of youth to our upcoming youth conference. And! Praise God! ~ We had one saved and one rededicate their lives at the first yard sale.

Please, join us in prayer for these needs:  1. Our traveling to 14 churches for scheduled revivals and special meetings in South Carolina, North Carolina, West Virginia and Virginia.  2.  Souls to be saved and churches strengthened.  3.  Our on-going deputation and more supporters to join us financially, trusting in our Great God to stir hearts for this much needed work in America.  God is Good All the Time ~ everywhere!

Listening For The Shout!
Tom & Linda
Tom & Linda
Phil. 2:16

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