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Saturday, July 20, 2013

Loyally Devoted - Dr. Tom Milam

“Loyally Devoted” 

Romans 8:26-28

July 20, 2013

We cannot change the circumstances that God has chosen to surround us, but He has granted us the power to weather the storm and rise above it. Sufficient grace is realized during the trial, but mercy is only realized after we’ve gone through the trial.
If we are truly saved and desiring to fulfill Gods will for our lives and circumstances bog us down, we must remember, it is God that engineers our lives, and if we blame men for causing our circumstances we will never learn how to praise our way through our problems. We must be loyally devoted to our Savior.  It is He that orders our circumstances. Our true loyalty and character will be proven only through how we reacted during the hard times. We must learn to worship God in the most trying times of circumstances; He will change them at His choosing.
We must be loyal to Christ before we try to prove our loyalty to preaching, teaching or any other work or service. We want God’s blessings, but without responsibility most of the time. We want Christ to do all of the work for us, some of which He expects us to do on our own while we reap the benefit and then we’re bad about fussing over the circumstances that God has ordained, to teach us what true loyalty is all about. May we arise to the occasion with faith undaunted.
“Just Thinking”

All things work for the good of God’s child; Purposefully, deliberately called to be loyal

-Tom Milam

Daily Jewel:

“Mercy is only realized after we’ve gone through the trial.”
May the Lord bless you,

Tom & Linda Milam
Missionaries to America
Phil. 2:16

Friday, July 19, 2013

The Simplicity Of The Greater Life - Dr. Tom Milam

July 19, 2013

“The Simplicity Of The Greater Life”
John 14:27

We must remember that God makes no mistakes, nothing slips upon Him; He is never taken by surprise. The ability to blame God for our problems lies in all of us. We must search and encourage ourselves to run inventory of our lives, because the trouble is brought on by our frail decisions to not trust Him. We must depend totally on God; when we do we’ll find living the Christian life is easier than imagined. Our problem most of the time is overriding the Holy Ghost and doing it our way.  Obedience to God always brings peace and satisfaction; this is unnatural to the flesh; the flesh says, hey! What about me? Don’t forget me, I’m important too! But peace will not come as long as the flesh and carnality have rule. We must be submissive to the Holy Spirits’ guidance; we must tarry and then proceed with caution, keeping ourselves under the simplicity of subjection.

My decisions usually bring chaos and is born out of frustration, but the Holy Spirit gently speaks in simplicity and wakes me up to obedience. When I obey God, nothing blocks the avenues of refreshing and my delight is watching Him make a way when it seems impossible.  

“He Knows”

The life I live belongs to God, His guidance I claim each day. I put it all into His hands, because He surely knows the way.

-Tom Milam

  Daily Jewel:

“When I obey God, nothing blocks the avenues of refreshing.”


Saturday, July 13, 2013

“Prayer Minded” ~ Dr. Tom Milam

Genesis 4:26 & Colossians 4:1-6

Prayer is the key to a successful start as we see in the first book of the Bible and concludes in the last verse of the book of Revelation, “...even so come Lord Jesus...., Amen!” All in between these pages are instances of prayers and how God answered them.
NOTES   ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Jacob prayed all night as he wrestled with the Angel of the Lord - he got his answer. Daniel prayed three times a day, when he was told not to pray at all. When someone, some program or even when it becomes politically incorrect to pray, then pray anyway, God will hear you; because we are taught in the scripture to pray for them that spitefully use you. We also find in the Psalms that David called upon God and sought after Him daily, with all of his heart. Elijah on the mountain - his audience consisted of NOTES the prophets of Baal; the devil and hell all around him, but he prayed anyway. God heard and answered him in a most spectacular way. God hears you friend, pray on in all of your hard circumstances, your supplications are written in the ear of God, and He will deliver.

The Bible is filled with promises and commands, which are at our disposal; and also the importance and necessity of prayer. A person without prayer is a person without Christ. If you are a child of God you will be in communion with Him.

Make it a point this year to pray every day that you may be patient, humble, holy and full of zeal. Make your altar a well used place.
      “Pray In Love”

Love is the key that unlocks the door, Prayer is communion there;

Step on through, His promises await; His love, His mercy and His Care.

-Tom Milam

 Daily Jewel:
“Your supplications are written in the ear of God, and He will deliver.”
 Daily Scripture Reading:                                                 Weekly Memory Verses:
Genesis 4-6                                                                                          Gen. 1:26-28
Milam's Missionaries to America
Tom & Linda Milam
Phil. 2:16

Lord Let Me Preach! - Dr. Tom Milam

July 13, 2013 - by Linda K. Milam

He truly gets great joy out of preaching.
If I had one thing to say about this man, Tom Milam, I would say he is a lover of the Lord.  His total focus is on Him who saved him out of the depths of sin - and called him to preach the Gospel.  In honor of the LORD I see him do this all over this great land we love, America.  His very heart is to PREACH the Gospel as the Holy Spirit leads.
His message is true, simple, concise, encouraging, uplifting, honest, humble, exciting, frightening, loving, caring, and so much more.  He has the message of Jesus Christ.  I know it is his deepest desire to preach for the cause of Christ.  To witness to the lost and bring them to the feet of Jesus.  To share his very soul with the saved to encourage them to live every day as if Jesus were coming this very hour.
Many of you know him.  We have been honored guests in your churches, homes and ministries and we are forever grateful for the tremendous support we receive.  You have heard his message, read his books, heard him sing and quote the many poems that God has given him, over the years.
But I say all these things for one purpose.  To uplift our LORD.  He is who makes us what we are.  He has the message we must deliver from the pulpit and in a song.  He is the One that gives us strength and endurance as we run the race. He is the almighty God and we give him praise and honor for all he does in our lives.
We are again out on a journey - in the last 5 months we have traveled over 11,000 miles and have many more to go.  We are the extended arm of many churches and people across this land. Folks who believe in us and our heart to reach America.  We thank you for partnering with us in prayer and financial support.  You may not be able to go - but we will, by the grace of God.
As I was studying today I ran across this in one of Bro. Tom 's books - "My Journey" - and this is what inspired this blog.  Oh! That I may have the love for the Lord that he has.  I thank God every day for the opportunity to get up each morning and be a part of what his work is today, as his wife, partner, and servant.
     Lord, before I lose my faculties, let me preach one more time; let me say one more intercessory prayer; allow me enough vision or capability to read and study my Bible; let me witness one more time to a lost and dying soul; please let me sing one more time my favorite song; grant me, I pray, to see one more soul saved, and let me write one more poem before taking my flight on the wings of the morning.
     When I've done all I can do, and say all I can say, give me strength to raise my hands toward heaven in honor of the King of Glory, my savior that reached way down for me, many years ago.  Amen!  
Looking for His soon return,
Bro. Tom (Phil. 2:16)
Thank you again for loving, praying and supporting us! 
Your Missionaries to America!
Tom & Linda Milam
Phil. 2:16

Friday, April 19, 2013

“Always Praying” ~ Dr. Tom Milam

Ephesians 6:10-18; Psalms 103:2 
Spencer IN

The first prayer that God heard us pray was, “Lord have mercy on me a sinner and forgive me, this hour, for I am a needy creature.” We came under His drawing convicting power because no man ever comes to God without being drawn to believe. Then after our initial sins were forgiven and blotted out we found ourselves praying even the more; for ourselves, things and others. We are now going to prayer-school to learn how to communicate with our Heavenly Father. We must learn to pray for the grace of sanctification, for grace to hold us steady. We hunger for a fresh supply of daily assurance in faith, deliverance in times of temptations, help in our daily duty, and when trials come it’s not wrong to cry out for relief. We need God and He is disappointed when we don’t call to Him and trust Him in all our matters.
God is the only place to find deliverance if you have anything at all, it came down from God. And you’ll not get anything of eternal value, but from God! Holy manna, food from Heaven fills our very souls, water from the rock of ages, Jesus Christ, quenches our thirsting hearts-­”Come and drink ye all of it...”
We are people full of wants, “Ask and ye shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you.” The wants and needs are great, but the supply is greater from His bountiful storehouse. Your prayers are many, but His mercies are countless. He is hearing, He is strengthening you, and He is helping you as you ask; ”We have not because we ask not.” (James 1:5)
Doubting, trembling, yet I call,
Dishonoring, sinning, on the mercy seat I fall; Blessings and benefits come from above, With gratitude I acknowledge that God is love.
 -Tom Milam
Daily Jewel:
“Your prayers are many,
but His mercies are countless.”

Monday, December 3, 2012

Dear Friends of the Milams!

After several months of absence of posting on our blog - we have FINALLY resolved our technical issues with Google! What a nightmare.  We thank those who have continued to visit us and if you will have patience, new blogs will be posted soon. We thank the Lord for you and are thankful for this outreach to souls around the world.

May the Lord Bless - and PLEASE add us to your favorites and visit us often.

God Bless,

Tom and Linda Milam
Missionaries to America
Phil. 2:16

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Milams ~ Missionaries to America: “Chosen” ~ Tom Milam

Milams ~ Missionaries to America: “Chosen” ~ Tom Milam: Philippians 3:10; Isaiah 48:10 Most people know something about Jesus, many know Him historically; but how many know Him to the fullest? ...

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